How to Lose 10kg in a Month Without Dieting

How I Lost 10 kgs in 4 Months without Exercise

A new way to lose weight

Obesity or being overweight is a widespread problem around the globe. And it has been increasing day by day. Plus now since the coronavirus has started, everyone is forced to sit at home because of which the little exercise people used to get by walking in a park or going to grocery shopping, even that activity has stopped. We have seen a lot of people doing different kinds of diets to lose weight or fat. Some diets are easy and they work for some people but some diets are extremely difficult and they don't necessarily give results. Or even if they give results people will gain back all the weight that they lost.

But there is a new ray of hope or a method of losing weight in which you don't have to ditch your favorite foods and you can continue to lose weight.


By Agnieszka Boeske on Unsplash

Yes, intermittent fasting is not a diet instead it is a lifestyle which you have to follow.

I was overweight and I tried a lot of diets to lose that weight but was not successful. It didn't give me any results, and also I was not financially good to buy extra vegetables and to make a separate special salad for me. So I have to eat whatever was made at home and whatever others used to eat.

Then one day I remembered hearing about intermittent fasting. So I searched online about it and trust me it was the best thing I searched on the internet that day.

Intermittent fasting is where you have to not eat anything between your two meals. Basically intermittent fasting is where you have to skip your breakfast, lunch, or dinner so that you would get a fasting period between your two meals and it has to be a minimum of 16 hours. And you have to eat nothing in between those 16 hours because you are basically fasting. So no snacks and no soft drinks. But you can drink black coffee or green tea because they don't have many calories. It is an important thing to always be in a caloric deficit. So for example, if you eat one pizza each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then if you do not eat pizza at breakfast then your daily calorie intake would be reduced and also you don't have to remove pizza from your diet. So you since you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight and you will also continue to eat your favorite dishes.

By Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Since I was a beginner, I used to do the 16/8 method of fasting. Which means 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating. So what I did was I started skipping my breakfast and then I used to have my lunch at 2:00 pm and then I used to have my dinner at 9:00 pm. Lunch to dinner was my eating period. After eating my dinner I did not eat anything till my lunch the next day. So in that way, I used to complete my 16 hours fast.

After I became experienced in controlling my hunger, I started skipping my lunch and started with just eating my one meal that is dinner. So basically I was fasting for 20-21 hours continuously. And it was working, I started losing my weight. My starting weight was 87 kgs and after doing intermittent fasting and continuing this lifestyle, I was successful in losing 10 kgs of weight. And it took me 4 months to achieve this goal.

By Mike Von on Unsplash

The next surprising thing related to intermittent fasting is that it is not necessary to do exercise during fasting. You will lose weight even if you are not exercising. It is a fact because I did not do any exercise and I have lost weight. But if you want fast results you can include exercise in your daily routine. Plus adding exercise to your routine will give a shape to your body and the muscles will start to show and will tone your body and give you curves. Many people have tried this method of weight loss and many have got positive results including me. There are many inspiring stories on the internet that will motivate you to start intermittent fasting. It has helped me to regain my confidence and fight my anxiety and also my old jeans have started fitting me again.

The only important thing for intermittent fasting is to learn how to control your hunger and you have to continue living this lifestyle to achieve your goals and it will definitely start to see the results.

How to Lose 10kg in a Month Without Dieting


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