what to do autistic kindergartener having meltdown in classroom

Guest mail service by Yolande Loftus, BA, LLB

If you are familiar with autism, you might be aware that many people on the autism spectrum (especially children) take meltdowns. Just what does this really mean, and what is the trigger behind this behavior?

Meltdown is a word with a powerful significant. Unfortunately, popular-psychology has made it function of everyday descriptive language: "My daughter will have an absolute meltdown if you take her favorite toy away!" Simply, when consulting the dictionary, the discussion turns out to have petty to do with toy-related frustration, and it'due south clear many are too quick to apply the term to draw a generic tantrum or difficult moment.

Photo: Adobe Stock/Aninka

According to Merriam-Webster, a meltdown could mean:

  • the adventitious melting of the core of a nuclear reactor (which brings up the obvious question of what it would be called if yous melted it on purpose?)
  • a swift or disastrous reject or plummet
  • nearly importantly for our purposes, a break-down of cocky-command from overstimulation

All iii definitions depict an almost disastrous occurrence of nuclear proportion. And then, for a moment, permit's attempt to moving picture ourselves in the shoes of a person on the autism spectrum for whom meltdowns might be a very real and regular occurrence.

Photograph: Adobe Stock/Halfpoint

What triggers autism meltdowns?

The stimuli or circumstances that trigger a meltdown differ according to the individual and the environs. For those not on the spectrum, a meltdown and the level of overwhelm it entails may be hard to cover. We don't demand a complete biological understanding of autism and sensory overload, but we practice need to educate ourselves about triggers of a meltdown and so nosotros can help and stand by our neurodiverse friends and family.

Parents with autistic children speak about doing everything in their power to condolement their child in the midst of a total body and mind crisis, and and then someone says: "You should really subject area that child…" This is a mutual occurrence, but a difficult i for families with a child on the spectrum. Having an educated public that understands autism and meltdowns may mean that judgemental people and embarrassing situations are a rarer occurrence for these families.

The best thing we can do is educate ourselves on autism and meltdowns. So what are some of the more mutual triggers of autistic meltdowns?

Photo: Adobe Stock/Sergey Novikov

Sensory, emotional, and information overload

The more nosotros acquire about autism, the more definite the connection betwixt its symptoms and sensory difficulties becomes. Imagine being hypersensitive in a crowded mall around Christmastime. The smell from the food court: yesterday'due south recooked chicken competing with roasting basics from Santa'southward stand. Jingle bells from the general sound system trying to overpower the rap music from the cool kid kiosk, and crowds stampeding to get a gift mediocre enough to regift.

This may sound like a familiar almanac nightmare, but to an autistic person this scenario is overly familiar, non just during the holiday flavor; every time they step into the world this (and more) may exist their reality.

Photograph: Adobe Stock/sas

The autistic brain may be wired differently in ways that scientists are still learning near. The fashion sensory stimuli are processed in someone with autism may differ in key ways to the neurotypical encephalon.

Peradventure the pandemic allowed us a glimpse into a different fashion of experiencing sensory stimuli. Remember the first time you lot stepped into a crowded space afterwards living la vida lockdown? For near of us, everything was too much. A few uncertain steps outside our sanitized condolement zone left us wondering whether the earth had e'er been then disturbingly loud and big. Neurodivergent minds may feel this post-pandemic panic every time they step outside.

The globe was made for neurotypical minds. The amount of sensory, emotional, and informational stimuli may be too much for a detail-focused neurodivergent mind. It is little wonder that such a heed volition become overwhelmed and shut downwards (or meltdown) to reboot every at present and so.

Photograph: Adobe Stock/junce11

"Faulty" Filtering

"Wouldn't it be helpful to practice some meditating or mindful practices to filter out backlog stimuli?" our inner pop-psychologist wants to ask the neurodivergent community. This may be problematic, every bit the autistic mind may not filter like a neurotypical i.

Habituation, the tendency to grow used to certain stimuli over time, allows the states to filter out unimportant stimuli. In the higher up example, you lot'd be able to ignore the holiday jingles and iffy nutrient smells after a while. Instead, more of import stimuli volition be prioritized as you focused on your vacation shopping tasks. Just for someone on the spectrum, this could be impossible if they accept deficits in habituation. A study by Greenish et al. (2019) institute a detail deficit in sensory habituation in children and adolescents on the spectrum with high sensory over-responsivity.

A hypervigilant encephalon paying attention to every little detail, with a (for want of a better word) faulty filtering system, may eventually meltdown every bit the information overload becomes overwhelming.

Photo: Adobe Stock/Катя Козлова

Changes in routine

Parents of autistic children often annotate nigh their kids' rigid adherence to routine and their difficulty with transitions. The more than you research overstimulation and sensory processing differences in autism, the more you see value in creating a at-home and anticipated life.

Unfortunately, life is anything but predictable, and children on the spectrum are expected to coil with it—with neurotypical nonchalance. When things are crazy and time is of the essence, we want our kids to cooperate, be flexible, and adapt to the ever-changing demands of daily living. Just individuals on the spectrum are non being difficult when they insist on sameness; it may be the only way in which they can feel in control.

Photo: Adobe Stock/Vibe Images

Summing upwardly

Of course, autism is a spectrum, and the above are just three examples of why a meltdown might occur in an individual.

Many autistic adults become to farthermost lengths to adjust to their earth in a way that minimizes the gamble of meltdowns. Kids on the spectrum, still, rely on parents and caregivers to aid them understand and manage meltdowns. The least we tin do is to react empathetically when someone is experiencing a meltdown.

When someone breaks their leg, sympathy follows naturally. When someone experiences a breakdown in self-regulation—keeping in mind that autistic people oftentimes detect expressing or communicating such distress difficult—let's not withhold sympathy because nosotros lack understanding.

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Source: https://blog.theautismsite.greatergood.com/meltdown-triggers/

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