Is It Possible to Buuy an Easy Care Rose That Blooms Continuously With a Great Fragrance






Rose TableRoses grow in nearly every part of the world. The roses we have collected and chosen for propagation will withstand temperatures of -30c or colder and survive to flower and grow the following year. This eliminates a large percentage of the species and cultivated varieties. What remains, however, is a vast array of colors, textures, forms and fruits. Roses that have been relegated to near oblivion, because they do not resemble a greenhouse rose or hybrid tea, can be exciting elements in a garden. Scents that gave the rose its reputation will now permeate your garden on a still summer night. Prepare to discover treasures that will enhance any garden. Unlike many cultivated roses, the roses we offer can be grown without chemicals or sometimes even attention, many being long lived landscape shrubs.


Variety of RosesWe use no pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers in the production of our roses. Fields are hand and machine cultivated. Soil fertility is provided by additions of compost, crab meal and mulch. The roses you receive have been rooted in sand, stored in a walk in freezer, planted in the field for one to two years, harvested, graded and packed to end up in your mailbox, the real one that is. Under each variety name are listed: Hardiness zone * Breeder * Country of origin * Date of introduction * Height * Parentage Fragrance: f - little or none, ff - mild, fff - strong, ffff - exceptional Some of the most fantastic and fragrant roses do not repeat, but that only makes their blossoming all the more cherished. Bear in mind that the average bloom period for these can be six weeks or more, many times that of other popular shrubs. Each is a unique arrangement of petals, leaves, stems and roots.

   Rose of the year 2017: Canadian Shield


Note: Quantities of many varieties are limited and we are often unable to provide all the varieties on your order. Please list alternates on your order form whenever possible.

Guideline for ordering online

  1. Click on the picture of the rose you would like to order
  2. Once clicked a new screen will appear
  3. Select which grade you would like to order
  4. Once you have selected the grade enter a number next to enterquantity
  5. Once you are satisfied with step 3+4 click add to your shopping cart
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All Roses are field grown.

Bare root


No. 1½ (2 stem)



No. 1 (3 stem)



3 yr (only in some varieties)



  indicates a native plant.



All roses originated from species roses. This is a selection of species that are extremely hardy and perfect for

naturalizing a property or for the collector.


Rosa carolina

Zone 2 2-3m Eastern North America
A vigorous bush that will cover a large area. Our selection has very healthy and glossy foliage. The blossoms are single, pure pink and occur in early summer. The numerous orange hips are beautiful in their own right. f


Rosa cinnamomea 'plena'

Zone 2 Europe 1.25m
This is a mystery rose, probably originating in France and brought over by early settlers to eastern North America. It can still be found on abandoned farmsteads decades later where it forms dense low thickets with time. The double pink blooms are carnation-like in form and have an intense clove fragrance. Tough as they come. fff

Rosa glauca (Rosa rubrifolia)

Zone 2 Caucusus Mts. Of Europe 2-3m
Well known for its reddish foliage and purple-red stems. Flowers are single and pink, contrasting beautifully with the foliage. A large shrub that is ideal at the back of a bed or naturalized against a forest edge. Blooms in late spring. f


Rosa virginiana

Zone 2 Eastern North America 1.25m
When the early roses are waning, summer wanderers will be drawn to the soft pink blooms that adorn this dense plant. Superb as a waist high spreading ground cover. Its bright red fruits and stems brighten the winter and are a boon to wildlife. Our selections are chosen for mildew resistance. f
Rose Of The Year 2014


Rosa alba

These are some of the oldest and most sought after roses. Their colours vary from white to pink and most are

exceptionally fragrant and hardy.



Zone 4 Vibert, France, 1817 (R. alba hybrid)
Very double blooms of pure white in clusters. Summer bloomer. ffff


Belle Amour

Zone 4 Europe original date unknown 150cm
Discovered growing on a convent wall in Normandy and introduced in 1950. Cupped, opening to a semi-double pink flower of incomparable fragrance. Myrrh scented. ffff


Zone 4 Europe ancient 2.5m
The hardiest thornless rose we know of. Tall arching shrub with bright green stems. Double blush-pink petals curve inward toward a tight central button. ffff

Fantin Latour

Zone 4 unknown origin 1m
This lovely very double rose has the quintessential old rose form and a most heady fragrance. The foliage is deeper green than most. ffff

Maiden's Blush (Cuisse de Nymphe)

Zone 4 France c.1400 2m
An ancient and most treasured rose. The bush grows upright to slightly arching with blue-green healthy foliage. The large very double blooms are blush pink, the scent heady and refined. A rose of romance for over 600 years. ffff

Mme. Plantier

Zone 4 Plantier 1835 2m
Grass green stems spill outward to form an arching shrub of great charm. Covers itself in fragrant very double blooms. A superb and classic rose. ffff

Queen of Denmark (Köenigin von Dänemark)

Zone 3b 1826 1.75m (probably R. rosaalba x Damask hybrid)
One must pay homage to the queen of the old garden roses. Superbly formed quartered deep pink flowers are endowed with the ultimate in fragrance. Very rare on its own roots.  ffff



Rosa Gallica

A superb collection of old European roses that had a great impact on the breeding of modern roses with their spectacular

deep colours. This group contains some of the most fragrant of varieties.


Alain Blanchard

Zone 4 France 1839 1m
A low growing bush with dark green foliage and deep purple-red blooms with spots. fff



Zone 4 Petersen Denmark  (Souv. de Jacques Verschuren x Guldtop)1966

Tall arching shrub with large semi-double bright yellow blooms. As plant ages it has some repeat. ff

Belle de Crecy

Zone 4 France c.1850 1m
Fascinating mix of pinks, greys and mauves. A very double highly scented flower on a low bush. Stems have very few thorns. fff

Cardinal de Richelieu

Zone 4 France Laffay 1840 1m
One of the deepest purples in roses. The richly fragrant blossoms are in clusters on a low upright shrub. This is the variety we use to produce rose petal jam. fff

Charles de Mills

Zone 4 France very old 1.5m
These rich purple and deep red blooms are very large and very double with a charming button center. The bush is upright to slightly arching. A classic. fff

Henri Martin

Zone 4 Laffay France 1863 1m
Technically this is a Rosa x centifolia muscosa but we have included it with the gallicas. It is a very productive arching shrub with crimson red double blooms and superb scent. This is a moss rose, having fascinating moss-like glandular hairs on the buds. fff

James Mason

Zone 4 Beales UK 1982 1.5m ('Scharlächglut' x 'Tuscany Superba')
New rose whose flowers are slightly more than single, rich velvety red and scented. Fantastic! ff



Zone 4 Kordes Germany 1952 2m ('Poinsettia' x 'Alika')
A spectacular velvety red rose from the Kordes family. Forms a large upright shrub that is breathtaking in bloom. f


Rosa pimpinellifolia

These are commonly called Scotch roses. They were very popular in the British isles where hundreds were developed.

Only a few remain, but these are tough, hardy, bountiful and fragrant bushes.



Zone 2 Doorenbos Germany .75m
Fascinating low plant with deepest magenta single blooms in late spring and early summer. A most unusual spreading groundcover. f


Double Scotch Pink

Zone 2 UK c.1850 1.4m
Similar in all respects to the 'Double Scotch White' but with delicate cupped light pink blooms. Also very fragrant. fff


Double Scotch White

Zone 2 UK c.1850 1.4m
Cupped double white blooms cover this rounded shrub in early summer. The scent is very strong. The colour is the purest of whites. fff

Harison's Salmon

Zone 3 Harison USA (early 19th century) 2.5m (R. pimpinellifolia hybrid)
A very rare and unusual rose with single+ soft yellow blooms tinted salmon. The bush is tall and upright. A collector's prize. f

Karl Forster

Zone 4 Kordes Germany 1953 (Frau Karl Drushki x R.pimpinellifolia altaica)

Pointed buds open to a double white blossom with good scent. The bush is relatively low with healthy gray-green foliage. fff

Stanwell Perpetual

Zone 3 Lee UK 1838 1.5m
An exquisite delicate pink double flower of charming form that repeats till frost. The bush form is rounded with thin branches. Very rare plant on its own roots. ffff


Rosa Rugosa

No other group has had such an impact on northern rose growing. These rugged hardy bushes grow naturally in sand dunes

along the ocean, originally in Japan, but now across the globe. Fragrant and dependable.

These are among the most disease and insect resistant of roses.


R. rugosa 'alba'

Zone 3 R. rugosa selection 2.5m
A vigorous plant with single white blooms. As plant ages it will repeat more when early roses are waning. Delicacy in good measure. fff

Blanc double de Coubert

Zone 2 Cochet-Cochet France 1892 1.75m (R. rugosa x 'Sombreuil')
Perhaps the most famous of all rugosas, this rose is renowned for its purity of colour, heady fragrance and rugged constitution. Passing this bush on a still summer day is an experience never to be forgotten. Our most popular rose. ffff


Zone 2 Agriculture Canada 1923 4m (R. glauca x R. rugosa)

This is the giant among hardy roses, forming an immense bush with tree-like trunks. In bloom it is simply breathtaking. The single pink blooms contrast with the reddish foliage and there is so much of it! Needs lots of room. f

Dart Dash

Zone 2 unknown 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
Our favorite for hedging. The plant is dense, rounded and deep green with shapely double mauve blooms all season. The hips are immense, very showy and edible. fff


Zone 2 Cooling USA 1898 1.75m(R. rugosa hybrid)
A healthy medium sized shrub that produces blowsy medium pink semi-double blooms repeatedly. One of the most charming pink rugosas. fff

F.J. Grootendorst

Zone 3 Skinner Canada 1908 2.25m R. rugosa x 'Mme. Norbert Lavavasseur')
Like 'Fimbriata' this variety has fringed petals like a carnation. The soft red flowers bloom continuously till frost on an upright arching plant. f

Frü Dagmar Hastrup

Zone 2 Denmark Hastrup 1914 1.25m (R. rugosa selection)
A remarkable bush, wider than tall, with fragrant single silvery pink blooms all season. In fall the bush turns coppery orange. Large orange hips in fall. fff

Grootendorst Supreme

Zone 3 2.25m (sport of 'F..J. Grootendorst')
This is a deep red version of the original. It is more vigorous with deeper green glossy foliage. Blooms non-stop. Outstanding plant. f


Zone 2 Schaum and Van Tol Holland 1905 2.25m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A very famous and tough rose that has been planted for a century. The fragrant double blooms are red-purple. The bush is vigorous and large. Red hips. fff


Zone 3 Kordes, Germany 1.25m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A fabulous new rugosa with cherry red blooms on a medium sized plant with glossy foliage. We think this is one of the best red rugosas. Very hardy repeat bloomer. fRose Of The Year 2010

Linda Campbell

Zone 3 Moore USA 1990 1.25m (R. rugosa hybrid)
Pure red double flowers in clusters so large a single stem is a bouquet. Stems are velvety reddish-green. An outstanding new red rugosa. f

Louise Bugnet Rose of the year 2018

Zone 4b Bugnet Canada c.1930 1.5m (R.rugosa hybrid)

Vigorous clean bush with repeating double white flowers that have purple highlights in bud. A great rose that was nearly lost. fff


Zone 3 Van Fleet USA 1905 1.5m (Anytime x Magnifica)
A perfect hedging plant with deep mauve blooms that are very shapely in bud. The health and vigor of the plant is superb. Magnificent! fff

Marie Bugnet

Zone 2 Bugnet Canada 1963 .8m ('Therese Bugnet' x unnamed seedling)
A diminutive plant with punch! Red streaked buds open to pure white. A great small plant with fragrance, purity of colour and long season. fff

Max Graf

Zone 3 Bowditch USA 1919 .75m (R. rugosa x R. wichuraiana)
A trailing rose with long stems and glossy green foliage. Single pink blooms occur in early summer. A great rose for covering banks. f

Möje Hammarberg

Zone 3 Hammarberg Germany 1931 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A dense contained shrub excellent for hedging. Deep mauve blooms keep coming till frost. A superb rugosa selection. fff


Zone 2 Nyvelt Holland 1955 1.75m (R. rugosa rubra x R. majalis) x R. nitida))
Very large pure white single blooms on a vigorous dense bush. A magnificent sight in bloom, which it does till frost. Lovely red hips adorn the plant in fall. fff

Parfum de L'Hay

Zone 3-4 Gravereaux France 1901 1m (R. damascena x 'Général Jacqueminot') x R. rugosa This is one of the quintessential fragrant roses. Its large round reddish purple blooms are found on a bush with olive-green foliage. Repeats. ffff


Pierette Pavement

Zone 3 Uhl Germany 1987 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A dense plant growing to 1.5m with purest pink blossoms. This plant is ideal to cover banks or as a hedge. Excellent where salt is used. fff

Pink Grootendorst

Zone 3 Grootendorst Holland 1923 2.5m (sport of 'F..J. Grootendorst')
Very similar to the original plant but this one bears flesh pink fringed blossoms. Often reverts to the original red color, giving flowers of both colours on the same stem. f

Pink Pavement

Zone 3 Uhl Germany 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
Similar to 'Pierette Pavement' in nearly every respect although the newly forming buds are somewhat more pointed. An excellent hedging plant. Repeats till frost. fff


Zone 2 unknown 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
Our rose pick of 2008, this rounded bush produces white flowers infused with soft pink, somewhat like a strawberry ice with the juice sucked out. A beauty! Repeats. fffRose Of The Year 2008

Pristine Pavement

Zone 3 Uhl Germany 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
Shapely pure double white blooms on a compact healthy bush that is perfect for hedges or covering banks. Blooms till frost. fff

Purple Pavement (Rotesmeer)

Zone 3 Baum Germany 1986 1.75m (R. rugosa hybrid)
One of the darkest of the mauve rugosas, tending toward violet. Great for banks as it spreads rapidly. Semi-double blooms repeat till frost. One of our most popular. fff

Repens alba (Rosa paullii)

Zone 2 Paul USA 1903 3m spread
A prostrate snaking plant with very large star-like single white blossoms. Can be used as a rambler if tied. ff


Zone 4 Kordes Germany 1979 2m (R. rugosa x seedling)

The name says it all! Very robust upright plant with dark shiny foliage and large, bright scarlet red single blossoms. Repeats till frost. Become a convert to singles. f

Roseraie de L'Hay

Zone 2 Cochet-Cochet France 1901 2.75m (sport of unknown hybrid of R. rugosa)

A large healthy shrub that produces double shapely blooms of deepest mauve. You will fall in love with this gorgeous flower. fff

Sarah Van Fleet

Zone 4 Van Fleet USA 1926 1.5m (R. rugosa x 'My Maryland'
Gorgeous silvery pink semi-double blooms on a vigorous plant with medium green foliage. Blossoms till frost. fff


Zone 2 Harkness UK 1960 2.5m (Seedling of R. rugosa?)
A great hedging plant, this large upright rounded plant has silvery cerise single blossoms that occur all season. Lovely fragrance. fff


Image may contain: plant, flower, tree, sky, nature and outdoor

Sir Thomas Lipton

Zone 3 Van Fleet USA 1900 2.5m (R.rugosa hybrid)
Rocketing skyward, this vigorous upright bush becomes adorned with ivory white double blooms that often have hints of green. Fragrant and healthy. fff

Snow Pavement (Schneeköppe)

Zone 3 Baum Germany 1986 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A dense rounded plant with unique double white flowers infused with lavender. One of the finest hedging plants or a great specimen. Repeats till frost. Outstanding. fff

Souvenir de Philemon Cochet

Zone 2 Cochet-Cochet France 1899 1.75m (sport of 'Blanc double de Coubert ')

Identical in habit to its parent with the exception of its immense very double blooms. Still with the pure white colour and intoxicating fragrance. ffff


Thérèse Bugnet

Zone 2 Bugnet Canada 1950 2.5m

(R. acicularis x R. x kamtchatica) x (R.amblyotis x R. rugosa plena) x 'Betty Bland'

One of the hardiest roses in existence. Raised in Canada for -50 degree winters. Soft pink double blooms are fragrant and recurrent. Bush is tall and arching. fff



Zone 3 Unknown 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A bush everyone should know. The foliage is deep green and glossy. The perfumed flowers are silky, silvery pink beauties that are superbly formed. Repeats till frost. ff



Zone 2 Skinner Canada 1939 2.5m (R. rugosa x R. acicularis) x 'Gruss an Teplitz')

A rose that has been waiting in the wings for its time. The fragrant double lavender-rose flowers are on a very vigorous rounded shrub. The colour is unique. fff


White Grootendorst

Zone 3 Eddy USA 1962 1.5m (sport of 'Pink Grootendorst')
Another colour variation in the Grootendorst group. This one is pure white with lighter green foliage on a lower bush. Sometimes will show pink on some blooms. f

White Pavement

Zone 2 Baum Germany 1986? 1.5m (R. rugosa hybrid)
A pure white double blossom and a dense compact bush that makes a great hedging plant or specimen. Superb fragrance and good repeat blooming. fff


Canadian Artist Series

These are the latest introductions from the breeding programs at Agriculture Canada.



Zone 3b Agriculture Canada 2012 1m (complex parentage)
One of the most exciting hardy roses every introduced. Yellow semi-double blossoms are edged in red and gradually turn to deepest pink. The effect is a multi-coloured harlequin of a shrub. Perhaps the most disease resistant rose on the market. Blooms continuously. fRose Of The Year 2013

Emily Carr

Zone 3 Agriculture Canada 2007 1.25m (complex parentage)
A well contained shrub with healthy tea-like leaves that blush red but are outdone by waves of large semi-double flowers of the most intense red. The opening buds remind one of deep red tulips, treasures for bouquets for those thrilled by red. f
Rose Of The Year 2011

Felix LeClerc

Zone 3 Svejda Agriculture Canada 2007 4-5m (L25 x D25)
A super hardy climber with deep fuchsia pink blooms all season. Extremely disease resistant, a superb new introduction. f , #1.5 only for 2022.
Rose Of The Year 2009


Oscar Peterson

Zone 3 Svejda Agriculture Canada 2007 4-5m (complex parentage)
A disease resistant repeat blooming upright plant with sparkling white semi-double flowers enhanced by a     large boss of golden stamens. Petals drop cleanly. Perhaps the best non-suckering hardy white.Rose Of The Year 2016


49th Parallel Series

This is a brand new series of roses to be introduced from Canada, more will soon be released


Image result for canadian shield rose

Canadian Shield Rose of the Year 2017

2017 Canada (complex parentage) 1m

A double deep red non-fading flower with red-green foliage that is exceptionally disease resistant. Hardy plant that blooms till frost. Perhaps the best hardy red yet. The first of the upcoming 49th Parallel Series. f


Explorer Roses

This marvelous group of roses was bred by Agriculture Canada to provide hardy repeat blooming roses.

It has transformed the world of northern roses.


Alexander Mackenzie

Zone 4b Agriculture Canada 1985 2.5m (Queen Elizabeth x D15)
A vigorous and healthy upright plant with double soft red blooms having a fragrance like crushed raspberries, though strangely some noses cannot smell this. Makes a lovely low climber. Repeats. ff


Captain Samuel Holland

Zone 3b Svejda Agriculture Canada 1990 2m (L48 x Felix LeClerc)
Lovely clusters of dainty, well-shaped, double fuchsia blooms on a lax plant that makes a good low climber. Disease resistant. Repeats. f


Zone 4 Svejda Agriculture Canada 1982 1m (R. kordesii hybrid-L02 x D08)
This amazing low plant blooms continuously, a rare feat among roses. The foliage is very healthy and tinted red. The blooms are deep unfading red and semi-double. Can be grown in areas colder than Zone 4, as it will spring back from the crown. f

Charles Albanel

Zone 2 Svjeda Agriculture Canada 1982 1.25m (Souv. de Philemon Cochet x o.p.) x o.p.)) A low spreading plant suitable for banks or low hedges. The pink-mauve blooms are double, fragrant and recur throughout the season. Very healthy. fff

David Thompson

Zone 3 Svejda Agriculture Canada 1979 2m (o.p. Schneezwerg x F.D. Hastrup)
A dense and rounded plant with mauve-red blooms that occur repeatedly till frost. Makes a great fragrant hedge. fff

Henry Hudson

Zone 2 Svjeda Agriculture Canada 1976 1.25m (o.p. 'Schneezwerg' seedling)
Semi-double bright white blooms on a dense low plant. The fragrant flowers bloom all season. Very healthy foliage. fff

Henry Kelsey

Zone 4 Svejda Agriculture Canada 1976 2.5m (R. kordesii wulff x D24)

A vigorous rambler type that can be used as a climber. Foliage is lustrous and deep green. The blooms are semi-double and deep red with a prominent golden center. Has a delicate fruity fragrance. Blooms all season. ff


John Cabot

Zone 3-4 Svejda Agriculture Canada 1978 2.5m (R. kordesii wulff x D14)
An arching pillar rose that can be used as a climber. The foliage is healthy and the delicately fragrant double flowers are soft red fading to deep orchid pink. Reblooms. f


John Davis

Zone 3 Svejda Agriculture Canada 1986 1.5m (R. kordesii x ('Red Dawn' x 'Suzanne o.p.')
A prolific bloomer with shapely pure pink blossoms on a hardy healthy shrub. Does not sucker making it a nice rose for the bed. Reblooms well. f

Marie Victoran

Zone 3b Svejda Agriculture Canada 1998 1.5m (Arthur Bell x L83)
A tough healthy plant. Silvery pink petals with a yellow reverse, a stunning combination when opening. A treasure. ff


Zone 3 Agriculture Canada 1996 1.5m (B08 x L03)

Clusters of bright scarlet red semi-double blooms cover this plant. The leaves are deep green and healthy and the flowers return for another show in late summer. f



Zone 3b Svejda Canada 1994 2m+ (B08 x Felix LeClerc)

An upright to arching plant with deepest red very double blooms, reminiscent of a gallica rose. Blooms till frost. Can be used as a climber. f


William Baffin

Zone 2 Svejda Agriculture Canada 3m (R. kordesii hybrid L48 o.p.)

An extremely hardy and healthy large shrub that can be used as a climber. Its semi-double flowers are deep strawberry pink with a light fruity fragrance. One of the toughest of the Explorer Series. f


Assorted Hybrids

This is a varied mix of roses originating from around the world.Most bloom throughout the season.

We have chosen varieties that are hardy and healthy.


Image result for albertine rose


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